Originally Posted by MMM
That's a lot like how spam is a staple in Hawaiian cuisine. 80% of spam in the US is consumed in Hawaii, and it started from military bases.
Guam eats the most Spam per capita followed by Hawaii. Also a military connection there. I think it's funny that Hawaiian Pizza is mistaken for a Japanese style - I know a lot of Hawaiian land is owned by Japan but it is still a part of the US. haha. Like my friend from Odawara thinking Denny's was a Japanese chain.
On my first trip to Japan we were a little confused and hungry and we ended up ordering pizza at an Italian cafe. I had no idea what I ordered so I said to my friends "Watch, I bet I just ordered something like squid pizza!" And when it was brought out it was a squid pizza, with mayo! Good thing I like squid, can't say I cared for the mayo. I don't think squid would be out of place in Italy but it's not something you find on pizza in the U.S.