"I'm here. I'm actually here!"
Random memories from my trip in 98.
" It's just like Blade Runner " ( after spotting a road crew directing traffic with light-up sticks )
" They have BEER vending machines on the hotel landing! " ( no panty ones tho a-hem )
" They have COLD TEA vending machines in alleyways " ( presumably strained thro panties
" Its ****ing humid here in June "
" Haven't seen anyone with huge eyes and purple hair "
" Why have they got airfix models of food in the window of restaraunts?"
" That person that told me that all western men look like Brad Pitt to Japanese women was lying!"
" Wow! People actually give a bit of thought to taking their mobiles to the end of the train carriage rather than bellowing I'M ON THE TRAIN! "
" It's 11 p.m on a weekday and pissed-up salaryman are just going home. It's a bit different to back home when theres a train full of drunks!"
OK thats many thoughts! I would love to go again ( only not in june! )