05-09-2011, 11:50 AM
It must be lovely to have so many friends and often they come from all parts of the world-- some even get married later on.
Cameraderie is what makes us all happy and I hope you will still have your friends after you leave UNI. Its a bit like school too--one has good friends.
What do you hope to do when you leave Uni Nellie?
Actually I believe that my Japanese friend who has been going to a language school here in UK for several years loves it because of all the friends she makes from around the world-- and they are mostly young- compared to her. She is almost seventy!! She worked for a big Electic company in Japan for very many years and now she is taking a chance to follow some of her dreams. She was exploited by the company and told me that she was the only woman taking on many responsibilities for that Company. TEPCO. She worked such long hours without any overtime payment. She was part of an organisation that was/is trying to improve working conditions for women in Japan. By the way she is lodging with a lovely Phillipino lady. This lady also has some extremely handsome Indian students staying with her. Oh If only I were young and beautiful!!!
Last edited by dogsbody70 : 05-09-2011 at 11:58 AM.