Originally Posted by EmmanuelC
Hi guys. My name is Emmanuel. I understand this may be a strange deal. But I would paypal you US$5 if you translate this video YouTube - 【動画】Syu(GALNERYUS)直伝! お手軽エクササイズ・フレーズ. I don't know what's the best way to do this. Maybe you could do something like that.
Time in video:
0:11 - Hello and I am the king of guitar in Japan!
0:50 - I actually invented the guitar!
1:45 - My guitar costs $1,000,000,000 and is very cool
Something like that? But with the actual meaning.
Thanks a lot,
My first and (probably last) service to you. Donate the money to a good local cause. I just happened to have some free time tonight. I swear I will never do any transaltion for anyone unless s/he proves that s/he is seriously studying Japanese.
00:17 I'm Syu from Galneryus. I'd like to introduce to you some 16th-note phrases using pulling-off and economy picking on the A-Minor pentatonic scales.
00:33 The rhythm goes like tarata tarata ~~~. It's in increments of 3 and it ends in 2 and 2.
00:51 Play that a little faster, it will sound like that.
01:00 By playing this, your last two fingers will be trained and it's good for you.
01:08 Additionally, if I am to introduce another one, we will move on to the E-Minor pentatonic. Little stretch-like phrases like this.
01:22 It's like playing the same note on two guts.
01:28 Apply some stretching and it will look like this.
01:35 If you do this in a hurry, it will sound like this.
01:45 It sounded like quite a phrase, yeh?
01:49 Advice from Syu
01:54 You should know that it will take lots of time in order to be able to play fast. The other day, incidentally, I had a chance to play the lefty guitar. I was convinced once again that the guitar was an extremely difficult instrument to play.
02:06 You really need to get used to your picking and fingering to feel comfortable. You need to be always aware of what your right hand is doing and what your left hand is doing while you practice. What is more, you need to have your brain get used to it. When this has been achieved, I think that you will be able to play better.
02:31 Then you will be able to add new riffs like these one by one.
02:40 Something new like this may be born.
02:47 You could maybe incorporate something Micheal-esque like that, too.
02:54 Or you could include something like this, which we practiced while ago. All these practices will enable you to start improvising.
03:00 Make this your target. Evolved forms of practice phrases.
03:06 Eventually, you will be playing like this.
03:52 You did it!