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05-09-2011, 05:10 PM

Originally Posted by YuriTokoro View Post
Hi, James.
The pervert you saw in the train was, if you ask me, not good at groping.
Most gropers touch women when the train arrived to a station and people are getting of the car. When I am touched, I can’t tell who touched me.
Once I knew who touched me, but there are too many people walking toward the staircase, so I was not able to do anything.
Once one pervert showed his something to me as the train’s doors were opening. I was really shocked. In the next breath, he got off the car and the door closed.
Should I have shouted to the man from the running train?
When I was younger, I always had a big bag to protect myself from groping in a train.

If you see a groping and you can catch the guy out, please help Japanese girls.
However, I advise you that you should not seem to be enjoying it.
If you seem to be really worried about the girl, the people would be grateful to you.
So, if I understand this, the way to deal with perverts is to try & deter them in a manner that shows no enjoyment. To be honest, I'd struggle to show enjoyment in deterring such a situation anyway. I would also be uncomfortable with alerting everyone to the man who commited the offense, due to the fact I wouldn't want to embarrass the girl with what just happened to her. Do I make a fair point here & am I correct in my view here?

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