My arrival in Japan huh... to be honest my memories are pretty vague, I only remember bits.
End of August, the UK is suffering SEVERE flooding (of the people died variety), it's freezing and wet. The flight took almost a whole 24 hours, with an 8 hour stop. I'd just had a wisdom tooth removed and was on heavy antibiotics and pain killers which doped me up big time. I was with a classmate, who almost got beat up by a crazy man on the plane.
My arrival went (aproximately something) like this:
-well, that was the worlds most pointless and retarded escalator. <.< -
-finger prints! Immigration security! Posters about terrorism! I should look more serious for this occaision.... *unfortunately too drugged to apply this*

~ hiii!-
-"Matt? wh-" we're hiding why? "Shhh! Crazy man who wants to bite my nose off!"-
-It looks humid outside, urghhh... it's humid outside. It's like Africa. No, let's hover by the door like scared owls until the university man forces us to go to the bus stop.-
-HURRY UP BUS AIGPIOHAgHPAHmelting I cannot cope with this heat, it is atrocious, it was barely 4 degrees C when we left and it's, what's the temperature here? *sign board* THIRTY TWO!? D8 and 97% humidity. fffffff-
-"Matt, did I take my pills yet or not, I can't remember." ...."I think you did, you're dribbling." ....."Your hair has gone massive." "Maybe, but I'm not dribbling." ..."I hate teeth."-
-BUS! ....airport areas always look like crap, hope it's not this grey and built up where we're going. Oh hello terrified looking American,...What? uh... ok? I-will-speak-slowly-for-you?- seriously though, I don't have that much of an accent.-
-No trees, no grass! D: "It's pretty industrial." "Reminds me of Santander, a bit..." -
- MASSIVE FERRIS WHEEL! We should go there!-
-Urghhh...Aircon is my friend FOREVER.-
and then I passed out again pretty much until we arrived at the university, but that's a whole other scenario.