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(#719 (permalink))
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KyleGoetz (Offline)
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05-10-2011, 01:01 AM

Originally Posted by Darnellrbts View Post
Hey it's me again the person who ask alot of questions lol. I have 4 sentences I made doing a practice from genki workbook. I just wanna make sure there right thx for the help.

Ps. They provided the answer but I had to form the question..
#1 きむらさんはなんねんせいですか。 You need the "nan" there to make it a question!
ねんせいです。 You need to end the sentence with です at this level of "formality." Match です with です.

#2 きむらさんせんこうなんですか。Your attempt says "Is Mr. Kimura an academic major?"
れきしがくです。 Your attempt used the word "history" as in actual history as opposed to "the subject history."

#3 correct!

#4 きむらさんでんわばんごうはなんですか。
As for your answer, it's not a real Japanese phone number, and also there's some weirdish stuff about phone numbers that I can't remember off the top of my head and Google is failing me. Some of the numbers are altered slightly I think. But you got it right that the dash is pronounced の.

Your translation attempt says "Is Mr. Kimura a telephone number?"

You made the same mistake twice. I suggest you re-read how to use the particle の.

Of course, assuming you are speaking about Mr. Kimura or to him about himself already, you don't need to use the の at all, and can just leave きむらさん totally out of the questions:

Last edited by KyleGoetz : 05-10-2011 at 01:06 AM.