Originally Posted by BobbyCooper
the Asians. They are all like SuperModels inside.
Are you kidding?! I've never seen a nationality of people so self conscious and afflicted by inferiority complexes than Japan.
Koreans though, my god it's like every one of their young girls is a royal princess on her throne of righteousness, prude-land and conceitedness veiling insecurity none-the-less.
Originally Posted by BobbyCooper
But how do you do it James?? where do you use your SuperPowers? 
I just chill out wherever, wait to hear the "Kakkoiiiiiii" or something and then approach whoever said it if she's my taste. I get it a lot more often than I'm comfortable admitting.
Originally Posted by BobbyCooper
Oh^^ I love that scale James  I am certainly not below 7 thats for sure lol without sounding arrogant now. Maybe even an 8 or hell 10 in Japan then yyyppii 
put a pic of yourself up here and I'll get a few chicks to rate you