Originally Posted by Umihito
They sound like rich spoiled kids to me, especially if they only went because it was their parents idea, close minded fools.
In the case of the girl from Canada, this was definitely the case. Her father was some upper official in the rotary club thing, so no one wanted to offend him... So basically, she was free to do anything she wanted and he would "clean up" after it with money. I got the feeling that she was sent to Japan in an attempt to straighten her up, but it obviously wasn`t working.
It's so strange, because usually the type of people who go to Japan are kind, lovely people, as it's the sort of people Japan seems to attract.
I take it you haven`t been in Japan much.
People who have some strong interest in Japan
may fit that kind of image, but the type of people who actually go to Japan are the type of people who have the money to go to Japan. In other words - anyone and everyone, kind people and arrogant jerks alike. I have encountered far more of the latter.
It seems people these days are getting so much worse, I can't even believe it... and I'm only 18! :L
People aren`t getting worse. I really don`t think people change all that much - it just looks that way as past generations are older now... And better at conveniently forgetting the things they did in the past.
The whole bullying thing of mine happened 13 years ago.