Last Quarter, OMG I really really love this movie (cause there’s HYDE..^^) And the story is also good, adapted from manga title Kagen No Tsuki by Ai Yazawa.
Hyde’s sooooooo cool there! *nosebleed*
Here’s the review..^^
Year: 2004
Director: Ken Nikai
Writer: Shinobu Yaguichi, Junko Yaguichi
Cast: Chiaki Kuriyama, Hiroki Narimiya, Tomoka Kurokawa, Motoki Ochiai, Ayumi Ito, Takanori Jinnai, Ken Ogata, Hyde (Hideto Takarai)
by Kozo: Shojo manga comes alive - literally - with Kagen no Tsuki - Last Quarter, a 2004 manga-to-film adaptation. Based on the work of famed shojo manga-ka Ai Yazawa, Last Quarter is predictably loaded with beautiful men, beautiful girls, and beautiful emotions. It's also predictably overwrought, and full of narrative conceits that work great in manga, but are questionable in a live-action production.
Kill Bill's Chiaki Kuriyama takes center stage as Mizuki, who gets fed up with philandering boyfriend Tomoki (Hiroki Narimiya) and calls it quits - again. The very same evening, she comes upon a ghostly house and meets the mysterious resident: Adam (rocker HYDE of band L'Arc en Ciel), a glam guy who's playing a tune that's eerily familiar to Mizuki. Apparently, the two share an as yet unexplained bond, but Mizuki is immediately enchanted. Her attachment to Adam leads to her decision to run away with him. Then...bad stuff happens.