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mousee09 (Offline)
JF Old Timer
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Location: Kyoto
05-19-2011, 01:56 PM

Originally Posted by RickOShay View Post
Well you better bring a day planner then, because I find most Japanese people prefer you give them a least a few days notice before you hang out. And just because a Japanese person says hey we should hang out or go drinking sometime, it does not necessarily actually mean they want to hang out or go drinking sometime. Not sure why am bothering to tell you this though since you just seem to ignore all the voices of reason, wisdom and experience on this forum.
i 2nd this statement. i dont take anyone seriously unless they start taking out a day planner and asking me which day was good to hang out, unusually that not until 2 to 3 weeks later. I only been as 2 twice do something on the spot and thats rare. anyway like RickOShay said there no point in telling you this you because wont listen,but you will find out when you get there. but for now this particular passage is to whom it may concern.

Anyway getting back on topic, my life has significance improved since my japanese has been getting better. I get more offers to hang out because I can understand, and i can get more involve in conversation now. I started studying when i got here last september.

Check out my VBlog to Japan Fall 2010- Spring 2011...The adventure HAS ALREADY STARTED CHECK IT OUT!
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