Social Balance as a Gaijin -
05-19-2011, 03:46 PM
How do you deal with/feel about these scenarios, or do you just not care?
From the first perspective, I'll talk about gaijin amongst other gaijin. What I've tended to notice is that most gaijin will never be truly happy with each other. On one hand, a gaijin may be ostracized by other gaijin for not trying to fit into the culture enough, or will always try to one-up newbies. Then another gaijin will get the same crap for being too into the culture. Many gaijin will judge each other and detest each other. We have examples even on this forum about not wanting to associate with other gaijin, hating other gaijin, etc.
But then you have being a gaijin from the Japanese perspective. If you take too little interest in social customs, many Japanese will just think you're an ignorant foreigner and treat you as such. If you try too hard, they'll question why you're trying to be more Japanese than them.
It's hard to find a healthy balance of where one should fall, in my opinion.
Last edited by WingsToDiscovery : 05-19-2011 at 04:06 PM.