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(#747 (permalink))
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KyleGoetz (Offline)
Attorney at Flaw
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Location: Texas
05-20-2011, 07:53 PM

Is anyone familiar with a kanji that looks like 胖 except that the right half is 半 instead? I'm trying to help a friend whose mother had a Chinese name created for her years and years ago when they lived in China. If I could just TYPE the kanji, I could check online Chinese dictionaries myself. I'm hoping a Japanese person (or one of the Chinese speaking people here) is aware of this kanji (unless it's Chinese only—then let's call it a hanzi).

I can't find it in my dictionaries with 半 but only with the similar-looking right half.

Thanks! To me it looks like 月+半 rather than using にくづき.

Even if you don't know it, can you type it for me? I can't find it online, I don't know the reading, and I can't get it to appear with the handwriting input.