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Gahzirra (Offline)
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05-21-2011, 01:03 AM

Originally Posted by GoNative View Post
I guess the point Rick is making is that regarless of how hard you try, regardless even if you become a Japanese citizen, you will never actually be considered Japanese by the Japanese. In places like Australia and I assume the US it's not unusual at all to see people of many different racial backgrounds and to consider them Australian or American without a second thought.
In Japan it's not like that. You could be born there, speak and read absolutely fluently, know the customs as well as any native but unless you look Japanese you will never be considered Japanese. You will always be a gaijin.
Hmm no Rick seemed to be more focused on embracing the culture and if you do you are living in a delusional world.

I understand Japan is not the melting pot America is and is still much more close minded by its very isolated nature. Yes, a gaijin will never be truly Japanese as Japanese is more directly related to ethnic background then the nation in which you live.

American is not an ethnicity nor is Australian...we all came from some other place making us gaijin within our own home.

To say a gaijin should ignore/not embrace the customs of Japan because he will be considered weird/delusional is broken logic.
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