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Gahzirra (Offline)
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05-21-2011, 02:21 AM

Originally Posted by Nyororin View Post
And the opposite extreme - the people who feel that they need to wear a kimono and take traditional art classes to "fit in" are going to get raised eyebrows. You can behave "normally" - you don`t need to be one extreme or the other in this department.

Guess i misinterpreted this part? Why can't it be the people just like that part of the culture? What would normal be? I read this as don't wear a kimono your a gaijin, don't take traditional art classes...just be normal and do whatever you "gaijin" do...

The basis of this discussion was wearing a kimono/yukata in the appropriate situation, no one was discussing wearing a kimono at a rock concert. Taking a traditional art class to "fit in", so learning ikebana obviously is not "normal" and is extreme. Why on earth would a gaijin want to learn that.

Your statement taken at face value to me...reads these are Japanese things gaijins should just be gaijins. Whether this is true or false you provided little to go on. Other posters stated as well that a foreigner should not do these things cause they don't know the cutural significance behind them cause they are gaijin.

"I am talking about people who think they can actually become Japanese by trying as hard as they can to fit in"

I don't think anyone ever in this whole thread said someone thought that could actually "become" Japanese, merely to practice the Japanese culture appropriately. It seems the idea is you can embrace it, but don't try to live it, cause your not Japanese? Again since when is fitting in wrong? I guess I should just look in the mirror and say "I am an Irish American...I like potatoes and celebrate the 4th of July."

Last edited by Gahzirra : 05-21-2011 at 02:36 AM.
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