Originally Posted by RealJames
You're right..
BC, all people, including Asians, behave a lot differently when outside of their respective home countries. My Japanese and Korean friends in Canada were so completely different from my Japanese and Korean friends in Japan and in Korea.
James, you only need to answer me this question^^ have you been able to find friends in Japan?
See what I mean
can't be that hard then lol
Originally Posted by Gahzirra
@Bob Learn what you can to get you the basics, once there its sink or swim there will be difficulties but if you focus on learning it you will pick it up much faster and your Japanese will be the "Japanese" Japanese if you know what I mean. No book or college course will teach you that and like many things it is often easier to mold clay into a horse than turning a horse into a duck (meaning you wont have the bad habits or wrong usages of words messing up the correct ones you will learn).
I was able to find many friends to hang out with in Japan, there was no shortage of women who wanted to practice their English(helps being good looking ) It's pretty easy to find the ones that speak decent English they flock to the areas like Roppongi and Azubu Juban cause they know that's where the gaijin all are.
Good luck and have fun--as the others stated just be prepared for some difficulties. As long as you don't go in with ridiculous expectations you should be fine.
Thanks a lot for your help Gahzirra.
really appreciate it
have you anything what you could recommend me Gah? For the language I mean'?