Originally Posted by WingsToDiscovery
I guess you've never seen how many f*cktards come to Japan and immediately start crying because no one will speak English for them. Either it breaks them down, or they just swarm to other gaijin and start hanging out with them all the time. I know my statement "Learn Japanese if you want to live in Japan" sounds like one of the most obvious titles ever, but in truth it's actually a lot of tongue in cheek.
Fair enough...I just felt it could have been better stated as, 'If you are coming to Japan you will most likely need to learn Japanese...if this isn't something that interests you, Japan is not for you.'
As others have pointed out it really depends on where in Japan, Nyseko, was a good example it's a tourist hot bed and most of the staff that work there are all gaijin or Japanese fluent in English. An English only speaker could easily get by, they may have some difficulty elsewhere and learning Japanese would be a great asset but imperative...nah.
As I said when I was in Japan I avoided areas like Roppongi and Azubu-juban(where you are) so your view of the f-tards is probably skewed as you are where all the people who want to go to Japan but don't want to blend in but rather just carve out a gaijin stronghold.
"**Morons please read**If your idea of living in Japan is that it will be just like home and there is no adaptation needed, your wrong." would have been a better title.