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Gahzirra (Offline)
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05-22-2011, 10:56 AM

Originally Posted by RealJames View Post
Personally I wouldn't want to fit in, I benefit very much from not fitting in and am so very happy to be the different one.
You didn't say anything rebellious per se, but this is a loose definition of rebel

Thanks James, I always think your posts are well thought out. That's all I was getting at is its grey and who's to say what's too extreme and "fitting in" versus having a genuine interest.

@Nyo Thanks better understanding now. As to your tangent, Another perspective--In regards to the people who do all things Japanese cause it is Japanese I would actually think by them not going all out and doing those things would be more of a facade. I would think this makes them happy whether it's right or wrong. If dressing in a yukata makes them happy so be it.

I kind of think of it like at my work...I am an executive at a Japanese company before I was an exec I would dress up for Halloween, once I became an exec it really wasn't normal to dress up so I refrained from it...but I wasn't happy. I was acting like someone I am not, because people subscribed to the idea that exec's are supposed to be stuffy especially at a Japanese company and I bought into it. Now, I dress up and enjoy Halloween, it makes me happy

I would not think someone would do something they hate simply for the sake of it being their mind that makes them happy. Now, whether the Japanese find them weird that's another thing...but then again many find what the Japanese do pretty weird as well.
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