Originally Posted by masaegu
It was no joke.  It is a proper, traditional way of greeting others at work for certain people regardless of the time of the day. In my own rough estimate, a couple of million Japanese use it on a daily basis. Now, who are these people? My opening post gives you part of the answer but who else says 「おはようございます」at 2:00 pm, 7;00 pm or even 11:00 pm?
Big Hint: I'm sure someone you know of uses it, too. Was too big of a hint....
I will be posting the answer in the morning (Japan time).
Them I'm guessing the "big hint" was that MMM and Nyororin are barred from answering, so I'm guessing it's something said in a region of Japan. IIRC, Nyororin lives in Nagoya. I can't remember where MMM lives.
And Nagoya has a couple million people living in it, so that must be it!
It's 名古屋弁!
And, for what it's worth, I do have a friend from Nagoya. I used to joke with her にゃごやへいこうみゃ!