
Hey there, my name Tomas, i'm 22 years old. I come from Lithuania

if youd like to chat or something just let me know
Anyway a bit about my selve. I like to do a lot of things, for exemple ride my bickikle all over the city, even if it take a long time, i just love the riding part :P and if the weather is good than its awsome

,other than that i love to drive cars, gokarts, buggies, by saying that i mean i realy like speed, sometimes i go to bar, but not so often lately, sight seeing is the other great thing, so i can say iv explored my city quite good , but when i will have a car ill go to explore my country. Now for the things i do at home

PC (internet, games, work) drawing, painting, making model from paper or clay, glue plastik models, play guitar, create songs, read history books, collect stuff lice coins, soft toys or militaria, photographing, filming, tv.
i dont smoke and dring ocasionaly, dont like to dance because i dont know how

DDD i listen mainly to rock or metal, but i also like to listen to pop, country, classic music
so yeah thats my introduction

ill tel you more if we start chatting
YouTube - ‪Daft Punk - Harder Better Faster bass cover‬‏