I know this is an old thread, but I wanted some advice before I go to Japan.
Basically, I want to bring my hair straighteners, (yes I know), to Japan with me. I'm from the UK, so it has the three pronged type of plug - however when you open the UK plug, there is a European (I think) two pronged plug inside it.
So basically, it can either be:
Now, I want to be able to use it in Japan. The voltage of my hair straighteners is 110-230V. A.C is 60/50Hz, and it's 150W.
Can anyone recommend me or link me the type of plug or converter/transformer I need to be able to use them in Japan? The straighteners are very expensive so obviously I want to be careful with them
If all else fails, I might just buy some cheap ones in Japan, though I'd rather not as they'd be useless when I get home really.
(And no I can't do without, I like to look half decent and my hair is a frizzbomb without them, hah.)