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(#769 (permalink))
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KyleGoetz (Offline)
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05-24-2011, 03:35 AM

Originally Posted by Maxful View Post
Hi, if I want to say "I will take a 3 hours break", should I say "三時間休む" or "三時間休憩" and what is the different between "休む" and "休憩"?

I would also like to know if I could omit "間" from the following sentences?

1. 一年間仕事を休む

2. 三日間仕事を休む
I think 休む is the "normal" word, with 休憩 being the "higher level" verb. Like "rest" versus "respite." One is the native Japanese word, and one sounds like a Chinese loan word, which indicates a more "literary" sense. Like "respite" versus "break."

As for #1, I don't know, but my inclination is "no."

As for #2, without 間 I think it means "On the 3rd of the month, I [will] take off from work." With 間 it means "three days" of time off.