Originally Posted by Darnellrbts
 Hey guys it's me again a new week with more questions.. I'm doing a little review on what I learned so far by using my vocab flashcards, and forming sentences.
I'm trying to invite someone to the movies. Can I write the sentence like this or do I need to put けんいちさんは
2)たけしさんはたいていやさいをたべますね。( can I still put ね at the end to say, Takeshi usually eats vegetables right?)
3)まいにちほんゃでほんをよみます。( trying to form sentences without わたし)
Is this supposed to be a line by Kenichi refusing politely? If so, you need to say 「こんばん
はちょっと。」. This is not the greeting こんばんは, but it is こんばん(tonight) + subject marker は = As for tonight, (I couldn't go).
2) reads fine.
To add a subject in 3), just place わたしは up front.
ほんゃ > ほんや with the full-size や.
The rest looks good.