Originally Posted by Nyororin
While this only partially pertains to the QB House sign issue, there is a trend I have noticed among some foreigners in Japan when it comes to opinions on language ability. Asking them to speak Japanese while in Japan is somehow incredibly unreasonable and even discriminatory... But *expecting* Japanese people (again, in Japan) to speak English for their benefit is not. They often completely fail to realize how incredibly contradictory this is.
It never fails to stun me. This may just be an American thing, but it becomes even more shocking when they (as is often the case) speak up in support of making English ability mandatory for receiving service in the US.
Going from my experience, I think this might be less of an American thing actually and more of a thing with non-native English speakers.
The reason being that in many countries (including Japan)... English is the compulsory second language. Most educated people in Europe and South America have a decent grasp of the English language.
These people expect Japanese to speak English to them because they expect people at home to speak English to foreigners in the same way.