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usernamemadeinchina (Offline)
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Join Date: Apr 2011
Location: Australia
Is it really dangerous? - 05-25-2011, 06:58 PM

Well, I intend to go to Japan over the end of July. I got family there, who live on the south of kangawa prefecture, in a place called yugawara. I've asked my family and they say it's certainly safe to go to japan on those dates, because the radiation hasn't affected them, they get the water from the south, and so on and so on. But it's actually very complicated to decide, since my aussie family is retaining me here in Oz on behalf of my health, but I really want to return to Japan. Also I reckon I'll ask the australian embassy if it's true it's indeed safe. But I just wanted to know and take into account your opinions about this matter, I hope you help me out with this complex decision.
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