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(#10 (permalink))
RobinMask (Offline)
JF Old Timer
Posts: 618
Join Date: Mar 2009
05-26-2011, 06:05 PM

Originally Posted by StrandedAlien View Post
Hi. My name is Chris.

I would like help understanding my grandmother, who is Japanese.

If someone from Japan could help me understand the Japanese culture, then I would be happy to help them understand the American culture.

I have Asperger's syndrome, which basically means that I have trouble understanding social cues. If I say something rude, then it was probably unintentional. I would like to apologize ahead of time.
Are you looking to learn about the culture specifically to commuinicate better with your grandmother, or because you also wish to visit/live in Japan?

I ask only because if you're looking to move to Japan I wouldn't have thought you'd have a huge problem. The fact you are a foriegner tends to excuse you from a lot, because of the fact you aren't familiar with the new culture that you'll be a part of, so as long as you're respectful and polite you should get on fine. I haven't yet been to Japan, but - from my experience with other cultures/countries - I can say that, with regards to the Asperger's disorder, you should be somewhat fine . . . I find people from other countries to be more tolerant and patient towards it, mainly because they pass a lot of Asperger's traits off as being "eccentric".

If you're trying to understand your grandmother in specific, then I probably can't help all that much, but other members have been in Japan for a long time and have a good understanding of the culture, a few are even natives to Japan. Either way, hope you find some help and answers, and best of luck to you
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