Originally Posted by Maxful
I have one more question. How about the difference between "can" and "could"?
"Can" expresses an ability, as in someone is able to do something or something is able to happen, it shows that an action is possible. "I can play tennis" means that I have the ability to play tennis, for example.
"Could" expresses potential or possibility, as in something is possible to happen or occur, but it is not certain. "I could play tennis today" means that I have the ability to play tennis and I have the
possibility to play it, there is the
potential at some point in the day to play tennis.
"Can you dance?" is asking is someone is
able to dance.
"Could you dance for me?" is acknowledging the person is able to dance, but questioning whether they are able to at that particular time. 'Could' in this sentence is not so much the ability, but the
Sorry, I don't think I'm being very clear . . . hopefully someone else can phrase it a little better for you, but hope it helps a little bit anyway.