05-26-2011, 08:57 PM
I think it all depends on how you can deal with being at different points in your lives. For example, I dated a girl a few years older than me who was already out of university, and often times it was weird whenever a situation came up where we had to talk about our personal lives such as "I can't go out tonight, I have homework." We were both mentally stimulated by each other, but we just weren't on the same level when it came to our own daily responsibilities.
If you can be prepared to handle a potentially similar situation, then by all means. As far as if it's like "morally okay" or something, then yeah, that age difference is still okay IMO.
*This is not to say it's impossible for this kind of situation to work out; my parents themselves are six years apart.
Last edited by WingsToDiscovery : 05-26-2011 at 09:01 PM.