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(#143 (permalink))
tangomike (Offline)
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Location: Eugene, Oregon
05-27-2011, 04:57 AM

Originally Posted by Ryzorian View Post
He simply explains things from a Middle eastern Perspective..However, his source is also the Koran and the Hadith.

As to the hell what if other people lived there? Other people Lived in America before we showed up..we kicked them out...Just like your ancestors did to the locals of New Zealand. As did everyone else who has a country now. It's how things are done, the strong have countries, the weak don't. Possesion is 9 tenths of the law. Right now, Jews control Isreal and the west bank..therefore it's their's and the Palistians are the "illegal occupiers".

It's simple really..war will answer this. Both sides will fight it out and who ever wins..the territory will belong to them. You may not like that answer, but it's how it well be decided, you watch.
As ugly as it sounds its true. The strongest peoples have their own countries, the weak do not. The defeated usually having lost its cultural connectivity probably assimilate into their conqueres gene pool.

America took its country from a myriad of Native American nations and well as from Mexico....but then again Mexico was taken from the natives by the Spanish soooooo (Spanish ppl themselves may be gone from mexico but their influence is clearly there)

Modern Japanese people exist because their ancestors crossed the sea and conquered the native Jomon peoples that inhabited Japan before them.

Modern Germans are culturally and genetically the way they are because they were able to halt Roman armies from incorperating them into the Roman Empire....The Romans were hugely responsible for the genetic make up of Europe, North Africa , Asia minor and parts of the Middle East.

That being said, I support Israel because war and legal purchasing of land are the only two ways of acquiring land IMO....and sure the manner in which the Jews acquired their land maybe sketchy but they were able to fight off their Arab neighbors for decades....their army is pretty strong. If they are able to maintain their countries borders militarily, I think they deserve to be there..... although Im fairly certain they only have the power they do now because of US support through the decades....Over time though I think they will be taken over by Palestine again as the US and its allies lose interest in the region. A flash in a pan

Last edited by tangomike : 05-27-2011 at 10:07 AM.
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