05-28-2011, 03:55 AM
Ronin, I am far more aware of the situation in the Middle east and the actual players involved than you seem to be. Muslims are prepareing for the arrival of the Madi, Geez dude, the Iranian president talks about his arrival all the time.
This isn't some joke, these folks seriously believe this stuff. That's where your running into difficulty, the middle east is the foundation of multiple world relgions. The focal point is Jeruslam, it allways has been. The Mother of all wars will be fought over it. The Muslims believe this, the Christians believe this and the Jews believe this. It's called the end times, and a third of the world's population believes in it...
You can't consider anything in the Middle east without the relgious conotation, everything that happens there is going to be considered in those terms. .
You can't look at this with reason because reason has nothing to do with's what's going on, or what will happen in the near future.