Originally Posted by Maxful
Hi, I am very curious to know if the word "~がる" which StonerPenguin was talking about act as a supporting word for a verb just like "しまう"?
No, it does not. (た)がる is used to express the wants, needs and other feelings of other people besides yourself.
In English, it is natural to say both:
"I want a new car." and "The Johnsons want a new car."
The verb does not change.
In Japanese, you cannot say 「ジョンソン夫妻は新しい車が欲しい。」.
You must say 「ジョンソン夫妻は新しい車を欲しがっている。」.
The verb changes forms.
携帯電話をなくしてしまった。 is a good sentence though there is no がる in it. It is impossible to place がる in it.
やっと宿題を終わってしまった。 is an incorrect and strange sentence. It is correct if you replace the を by が and drop やっと but it would mean that you wish you had more homework to do. You are regretting the fact that you are done with your homework! This is what ~~てしまった implies.