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tangomike (Offline)
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Posts: 51
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Location: Eugene, Oregon
Would you give Japan its military back? - 05-29-2011, 04:39 AM

Been recently thinking about the changing positions of power in Asia. China's on the rise, North Korea is a joke of a country but it still boasts a dangerous military, South Korea is modernizing pretty quickly too. Japans Defense Force is tiny at around 200,000 active troops but they probably have one of the most modern militaries in the world based on their military spending. Some people have said they fear Japan may become a militaristic country again....though anyone in Japan would tell you otherwise. n. Most people there are disgusted of the idea of being militaristic again. some guy took over the Self Defense headquarters and gave a speech on how he wanted Japan to be strong again, but he was met with angry booing he committed seppuku

From all the summers I spent in Japan growing up, I think I got a fair idea of what the country is like. Correct me if i'm wrong.... Nationalism is looked upon with disgust by the general Japanese population from what some of my friends told me. Kind of how people view the KKK and NeoNazis in American and Europe.

Americas got around 40,000 troops in Japan as part of the security treaty. While the Japanese support the military alliance strongly they also want the US to reduce the military presence there. I mean Japan is a 'big boy' now, out of the ruins of the 1940s into an economic powerhouse. I think they can take care of themselves now.... not to mention its very costly to station that many people overseas. Also, I doubt Japan would ever consider doing anything to lose the USA's support with its military.

I guess what im trying to say is they wont try to take over Asia again and massacre millions.
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