Originally Posted by RobinMask
I think perhaps you misunderstood me. I didn't mean to criticise your usage of the word, in fact I prefer 'whilst' to 'while', but American vs. British usages is a whole other debate, lol.
I know 'whilst' is more natual, but it isn't natural in American English. I merely question whether it's appropriate to use words stictly British English when explaining a vocabulary matter to a foriegn learner. Most foriegn learners of English seem to learn American English, so I just thought it would be confusing to explain a point using 'while' and then introduce the term 'whilst', and then to have to explain only certain people use it and how and why and so forth . . . especially because it then detracts from the original questions of the difference between 'will/would', for example.
Again, it wasn't meant as a criticism, merely a legitimate question about what English may be best when explaining/teaching foriegn learners. Sorry if you thought I was criticising, I really didn't mean to appear to be so 
UM--so you are saying that I should abandon the language which I have been brought up with-- maybe just use abbreviations as in TEXTING.
Should I have to consider the American English paramount to my own language which is English English as far as I am concerned.
If American is considered superior to British English-- why do we have so many students in this country studying our language.
Possibly while Whilst is out of date-- but along with Amongst/ among I prefer to use in certain circumstances-- is it wrong?
AMERICANS often use totally different expressions from the Brits. they spell certain words differently-- ie: favor rather than favour--Color-- rather than colour etc.
Are we to allow the Americans to also overtake the Brits in our own language?
Be proud of your English language heritage, why bow to America all the time?