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Kasper (Offline)
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Join Date: May 2011
text for skit in Japanese needs checking - 05-30-2011, 07:47 PM

Hi! I've had to write a text for a kind of self-introduction skit in Japanese and it'd really be great if someone could correct the mistakes of which there are probably a lot. It's very simple and formulaic since the grammar pattens and so on are only from the 'minna no nihongo' books one and two, so it'd be good if any corrections could be kept equally simple. Thanks so much if you can help!

Here's the text which needs some correcting:
私は物心ついて以来外国語に興味がありました。私がと ても若った時、両親とフランスに住んでいました。でも 、バイリンガルになれた前に私たちはイギリスに帰国し なければならなくてしまいました。この機会を逸したの はひどいだと思ったので、フランス語が上手話せるよう にパリに行ったり、フランス語で子供の本を読んだりし ました。パリの美術館で面白くてきれいな物を見ながら 、フランス人の友達と話すがとても好きでした。学校で フランス語を勉強したかったが外国語で、私の学校はド イツ語の授業しかありませんでした。この学校は普通の 公立学校が少し違いました。シュタイナー教育の学校で した。この学校の哲学は子供が自由に育てられるほうが いいです。生徒が自分の服も着た、先生の下の名前も使 ったがよかったです。あまり試験を受けなかったので、 とても幸せなゆとり教育でした。毎日楽しくても、15 歳の時ぐらい私は何も習わなかっただと思ったので、一 人で日本語を勉強するのを始めました。面白くても、一 人で勉強をしているのは時々つまらないでしょう。それ で、高校を続けながら、熱心だし、まじめな日本人の先 生の家へ勉強をしに一週間で一回行っていました。
今にすんでいるのは古いな大衆に開かれている家ので、 時々色々な面白い人が見に来ます。それで、私はフラン ス人とか、日本人とか、に紹介されることがあります。 時々家に見て来た外国人と手紙をやり取っています。そ んなに親切な外国に住んでいる人に会ったのはとても運 が良かっただと思います。
いくら将来がしたい仕事はまだ分からなくても、よく旅 行がしなければならない仕事が欲しいと思ってあります 。世界が見たいです。

And here's what I kind of wanted to say:
I have been interested in languages for as long as I can remember. When I was very young, I lived with my parents in France. But we had to return to England before I could become bilingual. I thought it was terrible to have missed this chance, so in order to be able to speak french well I went to Paris, and read children's books in French among other things. I found that I loved traveling. I wanted to study French at school, but as for foreign languages, my school only had German classes. This school was a little different from a normal public school. It was a Steiner school. This school's philosophy is that children should be able to grow up freely. Pupils could wear their own clothes and even call their teachers by their first names. Because we didn't really take exams, it was a very happy pressure-free education. Even though every day was enjoyable, when I was about 15 years old I started to learn Japanese on my own because I was worried that I wasn't learning anything. Even though it was interesting, it's sometimes boring to study alone, right? Because of this I went once a week to the house of an earnest and diligent Japanese teacher to study while continuing high school. Because the house where I live at the moment is open to the public, sometimes interesting people come to see the house. Because of this I have been introduced to French and Japanese people and so on. Sometimes I exchange letters with the people who came to visit from abroad. I think that I have been lucky to meet such kind people who live abroad. Even though I still don't know what kind of job I would like in the future, I've been thinking that I'd like a job where I'd often have to travel. I want to see the world.

That's it. Thanks again!

Last edited by Kasper : 05-30-2011 at 11:13 PM.
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