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KyleGoetz (Offline)
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05-31-2011, 02:50 AM

Originally Posted by tokusatsufan View Post
I think Americans talking in Japanese normally sound good.
Haha. No.

Anyone speaking Japanese with an American accent sounds horrible. The same goes for anyone using any Anglophonic accent speaking Japanese. The problem is that Japanese does not use stress accent (it uses pitch accent), but English uses stress accent. I can vouch from personal experience that many anglophones (the worst was an American) speak Japanese with a stress accent, which sounds like this: Ore WA chuuGAKkou ni IkiMAshita

It's really bad. My use of stress accent in Japanese is not terribly bad, but I know of many examples where it actually hurt my ears to listen.

I'm sure the natives and advanced speakers can vouch for stress-accented Japanese sounding terrible.
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