05-31-2011, 08:42 AM
While I hate to sound cold...
If you are so incredibly worried, why aren`t you doing something productive about the situation.
If you honestly think she is / is going to kill herself, umm... Why aren`t you contacting her parents? The police? Telling your own parents?
If she really DID do something, and you just worried and posted on here... Don`t you think you`ll feel bad for not trying to do something real?
Chances are, it`s drama. But if it`s not, and you really think she is doing something stupid - I don`t care how you feel about her parents, or how secret you want to keep this from your own parents, etc etc. Actually try to get some help - don`t just stand around whimpering how worried you are.
If anyone is trying to find me… Tamyuun on Instagram is probably the easiest.