Originally Posted by Ronin4hire
To me there is no difference and in fact I see it as worse that such laws can be passed from the top.
Bottom line is that the rationale behind the decision to allow the banning of foreigners is the same. Lets paint all foreigners with the same brush mentality is not only irrational, but flies in the face of the truth in some instances.
Oh I totally agree that bans based on nationality are bogus. Well, except possibly of the 'Foreigners banned from X area of Y country because it's too freakin' dangerous and we have enough problems pulling our own people out' variety.
My point is it's easier to name, shame, rail at and moan about the little guy. You can take him to court; you can kick up a stink online and pester his business. You can blow an obscure restaurant out of the water and make it a (sometimes exaggerated and ill-advised) rallying point for civil rights. It's much harder to take on a whole government.