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RealJames (Offline)
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05-31-2011, 11:27 AM

Originally Posted by emkael View Post
How lucky you are !

Bon, je me permets de passer en FR si ça ne te dérange pas.

J'ai 31 ans, je suis vendeur automobile dans un petit garage familial en Suisse et j'ai envie d'acquérir de nouvelles expériences avant d'entamer une carrière ou de fonder un foyer.

Après 4 voyages au Japon (entre 2003 et 2010) et un réel intérêt pour ce pays et sa culture, j'aimerais vraiment y passer quelques temps, hors des sentiers battus.

Comment t'y es-tu pris ? Débarqué à la fraîche ou t'avais bien tout prévu à l'avance ?

J'espère que je t'embête pas trop avec toutes mes questions : /

Merci !
ça ne me dérange pas du tout! mais les langues officielles de ce forum sont l'anglais et le japonais alors je te reponds en anglais

Coming here to teach English is certainly one of the easiest ways to end up in Japan. I came here with nothing prepared, but I knew that anywhere in Asia there is enough demand for English teachers that it wouldn't be long before I had a job.

Your other options, depending on how safe you want to play it, are to apply for jobs from abroad, and then once you get a bite to get them to sponsor a work visa.
Or to come here on a tourist visa, spend most of your time applying for work in the city where you'd most like to live, and home you get a bite before your tourist visa or money runs out. you're infinitely more likely to find any kind of job by applying from within Japan, walking in the front door, than applying from abroad, but then there's the risk of "wasting" 3 months.

If you don't have a 4-year college/uni degree then none of this is feasible.
That's the sad reality of it.

Teaching French is worth a shot, if you have any other marketable skills, or enough money to start a business (5mil yen at the absolute minimum) then you should look into that.

マンツーマン 英会話 神戸 三宮 リアライズ -James- This is my life and why I know things about Japan.
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