Originally Posted by tokusatsufan
Watashi wa is I am.
I wouldn't really call moving to Japan a dream for me because,I've been planning this for a couple of years,I've got a rough idea of what I'm going to do to earn money,I've been there once. My definition of a dream is something that might never happen,the unrealistic thing that you want. For me,that's writing tokusatsu,because,well,anime and manga are hard and I doubt television is much easier to get into. Japan is something that will definitely happen. I'm not going to rush into it,I want to live in Wales for a bit first,but I've gotta live my life too.
I kind of agree. I have
hundreds of dreams that I want to happen,
but I KNOW would really be better off just a dream, but going to Japan
is not really one of "THOSE KINDS OF DREAMS". I have two dreams, To go to Japan, and
to meet Dieter Laser. Otherwise I don't want to do anything else (for real).
But the thing is,
for me, if anyone wants something they can get it,
just by working hard, but not so much that they overwork it.
Because of course we all know that seriously getting addicted to something
isen't healthy. At all. Right now I'm not crazy about going to Japan
I'd just really like to go. I know thats like saying I want to but I don't want to... But anyway, its hard to explain sence I'm only 11.