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06-01-2011, 04:54 PM

Originally Posted by KyleGoetz View Post
The last one is Chinese (the other three are Japanese, though). I'm actually getting a bit of an eyeache right now, so I'm not going to attempt right now. I will say that they are pretty difficult for me to understand despite being a fairly advanced reader. The first one basically has only one word that even shows up in my dictionary!
You`ll have more luck if you step back for a second and notice that they are read right to left. 斯瓦 is wrong - it is 瓦斯. Gas.

A quick and dirty translation.

1 is 都市瓦斯攻撃の惨害 - The ravages of a gas attack on a city.

Second; 都市空襲の脅威 - The threat of an air raid on a city.
油断すると消防隊の力も及ばぬ数千ヶ所の發火(発火) とともに毒ガスが来る。
 If we aren`t careful, several thousand fires - far surpassing the abilities of the fire brigade - will come along with poisonous gas.

Third; 燒夷弾の脅威 - The threat of the incendiary bomb (fire bombing).
関東大震災、僅か百ヶ所の火元で帝都は燒野原。敵機一 台でも燒夷弾五千箇。
In the Great Kanto Earthquake, only a hundred original fires were enough to turn the city into a burnt field. One enemy plane can carry 5000 fire bombs.

They`re likely to get people to follow black outs, etc, to avoid being bombed. Not much of what I`d call true "propaganda".

The last is Chinese, so can`t help you there.

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