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KyleGoetz (Offline)
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06-01-2011, 04:59 PM

Originally Posted by Kincaid View Post
I'd like to know how to say/write "demon hunter" in Japanese. I tried the online translators, but they are usually only good for translating one word at a time. Stringing words or phrases together isn't their specialty. Can anyone help me out with this? Also, if someone knows of a good translator system that will work with phrases, please share!

I got this from a translator: 悪魔ハンター

I did the romaji translation, and it reads "akuma hanta". I really don't want to use a translation in this case that is basically an English word spoken with Japanese rules -> "hanta". This isn't really what I was hoping for. I'm sure that "demon hunter" was a phrase that could be spoken long before English came into play.
There is a famous anime called "Demon Hunter Yoko" and it's Japanese title is 魔物ハンターようこ or something.


And the only good translator system that works with phrases is a professional translator human being whom you pay.