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DaisukeKigurou (Offline)
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Join Date: Aug 2009
The anime community are cultists?! - 06-02-2011, 08:23 PM

That is what this guy believes. YouTube - ‪The End of the Anime Community (Occult Style)‬‏

I commented him back and explained that saying such things are serious to say, and crying wolf can get a lot of innocent people in trouble.

I was then attacked by his group of thugs and called, "weebo", "fag", " Japlover", " Japwannabe", etc

I am not lieing go look for yourself.

I just want to ask you all, why do people like this exist?

~苦痛は中心、それはある から来る; 憎む人によって引き起こされる。~
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