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pumpum (Offline)
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06-02-2011, 10:28 PM

Originally Posted by Nyororin View Post
While I hate to sound cold...

If you are so incredibly worried, why aren`t you doing something productive about the situation.
If you honestly think she is / is going to kill herself, umm... Why aren`t you contacting her parents? The police? Telling your own parents?

If she really DID do something, and you just worried and posted on here... Don`t you think you`ll feel bad for not trying to do something real?

Chances are, it`s drama. But if it`s not, and you really think she is doing something stupid - I don`t care how you feel about her parents, or how secret you want to keep this from your own parents, etc etc. Actually try to get some help - don`t just stand around whimpering how worried you are.
Hell yeah ! eaxactly what i was gonna say but so much better worded!

What sort of friend who seriously thinks that someone they really care about is going to kill themselves, so much so that they are counting down the minutes!!!! posts on a F****** internet forum about it - WHY DONT YOU GET OFF YOUR ARSE AND DO SOMETHING TO STOP IT HAPPENING! Dont be a pussy.

The things that come to those who wait are the things that are left by those who got there first !
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