Originally Posted by givemesomebeer
when is u skipped, in which words?(desu.... but not in sumimasein?)
and how to emphasize fukushima?(where to find rules about emphasis)
To my knowledge the 'u' in 'desu' is not "skipped", merely is less pronounced. It's still there when you say 'desu', unless you're pronouncing it as 'dess', which I don't think is accurate . . .
As for empthasis. I believe every syllable receives equal stress when pronouncing. I've heard non-native speakers pronounce names ever so strangely, like 'ta-kar-da', elongating the 'ka' sound in 'Takada', but when it comes to saying words you don't have to empthasise any particular syllable. Fukushima is simply 'fu-ku-shi-ma'.
Hope this helps?