Originally Posted by DaisukeKigurou
That is what this guy believes. YouTube - ‪The End of the Anime Community (Occult Style)‬‏
I commented him back and explained that saying such things are serious to say, and crying wolf can get a lot of innocent people in trouble.
I was then attacked by his group of thugs and called, "weebo", "fag", " Japlover", " Japwannabe", etc
I am not lieing go look for yourself.
I just want to ask you all, why do people like this exist?
I think it was said, but you have posted a rant about stuff like this before. It seems to me you are just looking for trouble, and when you get in over your head you come crying here thinking people will be on your side. I will say what I said before, take a chill pill, and enjoy your life. You are really getting yourself worked up over nothing.