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masaegu (Offline)
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06-07-2011, 05:31 AM

Originally Posted by delacroix01 View Post
Thanks again masaegu There's a few questions I would like to add today.

What is it before the word くらい? Is it "km"?

I'm trying to read the first message, but I'm not sure if I read it correctly since some Kanji are too difficult to recognize. Would you mind checking this?

それにしても中華の著作権はフリーダムすぐるなwww誰が 文__帯つけてんのコレ?まあ楽しかったからいいけ

I'm pretty sure about my typing for the first part and the last part, but I don't get the meaning of 中華の著作権はフリーダムすぐるな at all. Can you tell me what it means?
1. Yes, it is "km".

2. It says:
それにしても中華の著作権はフリーダムすぐるなwww 誰が 字幕つけてんのコレ?まあ楽しかったからいいけど

「中華の著作権はフリーダムすぐるな 」 is NOT normal Japanese but it would mean:

"Copyrights in China are just out of control."

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