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Shabooboo (Offline)
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Join Date: May 2011
06-08-2011, 05:14 AM

[quote=My questions are,
(a) Is the sensor charged when the camera is on, in a fashion that could attract dust when a lens is removed?
(b) What are the electrical issues that could arise when removing a lens while the camera body is powered?[/QUOTE]

Yes, if the sensor is charged from being powered on, the camera will becomes a dust magnetic. This is the same for near all cameras. However, with my Nikon sometimes I've forgotten to cut off power, and I've changed the lens while on, but I've not had any problems with it (yet). It it probably a better idea to cut it off first, but it "might not" hurt it as bad as you think if you forget to turn it off while changing the lens. Just always try to remember to tilt the camera body away from any wind, and not leave your camera without a lens on it for very long time.

Although I've not ever heard of any, but if any type of electrical issues ever does happen, a quick fix is to set your camera back to default "check your manual".

NIKON makes GREAT cameras, and the BEST part is that almost ALL NIKON lens fit NIKON cameras, no matter how old the lens are! A+++
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