shorter way of saying/ proper way of saying I am sorry for being rude -
06-08-2011, 09:45 AM
I am a beginner in Japanese, and would like help with this word. I was messing around with the Japanese translator on google ( I know bad), and I was wondering what is the shorter way of saying/ proper I am sorry for being rude.
This what google said for the proper way of saying the phrase, "私は失礼して申し訳ありません。"
If you don't understand what I am asking for in "proper", I am asking for the polite way of saying it. As for the shorter way, I am talking about what you say to your friends/ what you say online to people.
I know I am being a tad confusing...
~苦痛は中心、それはある から来る; 憎む人によって引き起こされる。~