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WingsToDiscovery (Offline)
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06-08-2011, 05:33 PM

Originally Posted by RobinMask View Post
You can resize pictures using Paint, just put your picture in there and right-click and there should be an option to resize, you can also change the format of the picture in there, too. I know this doesn't exactly enable you to post pictures as they are, but it is an alternative if there's no easier options. Hopefully someone else will know, I'm curious as well.
I know I can resize them, but I hate to do that just to post them on here, because then I have random duplicates of my photos just in weird different sizes. I like to try and eliminate having random photos on my computer because I already have thousands as it is, being a photographer.
I just see photos that are much bigger than mine (looking like a higher resolution) but for some reason I can never post mine. It's not like I'm trying to post my RAW photos on here or something.

I'm not a cynic; I just like to play Devil's Advocate once in a while.
My photos from Japan and around the world:
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