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ryuurui (Offline)
Japanese calligrapher
Posts: 880
Join Date: Jul 2010
Location: Tokyo
06-09-2011, 07:54 PM

Ah, not to worry, many native speakers cannot read cursive script.

Ok, I am a bit confused, so you are asking if there are any other ways of practicing the art of Far Eastern calligraphy or just learning charatcers. Again, htese are two different things. We do not practice calligraphy to learn the charatcers. Calligraphy (書道) is an art. Also, practicing calligraphy is done differently, and it is called 臨書 (rinsho) - i.e. copying classics (mainly Chinese ones). This is how you gainskill and deep knowledge of brush handling etc. Learning kanji/hanzi is not calligraphy.

It is true that Chinese and Japanese are fogetting kanji, but those who practice calligraphy are very rare, as it takes up a lot of time (every day). I, as a foreigner, am completely 珍しい (odd) to study it.

The guy on the vid is not practicing calligraphy, but writing a caligraphy - great difference. Shoot, if you have more questions.

Last edited by ryuurui : 06-09-2011 at 07:57 PM.
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